
Tesla Giga Berlin Chief Defends Home Visits for Absent Workers

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André Thierig, the manufacturing director at Tesla’s Giga Berlin factory, has sparked controversy with recent comments about worker absences. Thierig suggested that employees calling out sick are misusing Germany’s social welfare system, rather than reflecting poorly on Tesla’s working conditions.

Recent reports indicate a significant number of Tesla workers at Giga Berlin have been taking extended time off. Some employees allegedly exploited Germany’s six-week leave policy, often taking Fridays and late shifts off to enjoy long weekends.

In an interview with The Guardian, Thierig stated:

“That is not an indicator of bad working conditions because the working conditions are the same on all working days and across all shifts. It suggests that the German social system is being exploited to some extent.”

Thierig defended Tesla’s plans to visit absent workers, calling it an “appeal to the employees’ work ethic” and a common practice.

The issue gained attention when it was shared on X, prompting CEO Elon Musk to address the matter:

However, IG Metall union representatives paint a different picture. They claim that employees face “high workloads” and that staff shortages lead to pressure on ill workers to take on additional tasks.

Giga Berlin, which opened in 2022, employs over 12,000 people and is currently undergoing expansion. The factory’s development has faced unique challenges, including the need to clear trees and dispose of World War II-era munitions found on the property.

As the situation unfolds, it highlights the complex interplay between corporate expectations, worker rights, and local labor practices in Tesla’s European operations.


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