
Suspect Walks, Then Teslas Set on Fire Again in Sweden

Four Tesla Fires in Two Days

Four Tesla cars were set on fire in two days in Gothenburg, Sweden. Two fires happened on Thursday, and two more were reported on Friday. Police suspect arson in all cases.

On Thursday, one Tesla caught fire in a parking garage in Avenyn, and another burned in a lot in Linnéstaden. Firefighters quickly put out the flames, which did not reach the Teslas’ high-voltage batteries.

Arrest and Release

A 35-year-old man was arrested after the Thursday fires. However, police released him on Friday, according to Västra Götaland police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg.

“The suspect was arrested but was then released on Friday,”

Fuxborg said.

More Arson on Friday

On Friday evening, two more Teslas were targeted. At 8 p.m., a fire was reported in a Tesla’s wheel well on Parkgatan.

An hour later, another Tesla burned in a lot in Kvillebäcken. In both cases, flammable material was placed near the cars’ wheel wells and set on fire.

As with the earlier fires, the high-voltage batteries were not affected.

Similar Patterns

All four fires used the same method. Flammable materials were stuffed in the cars’ wheel wells and lit. Police believe the fires are connected but have not confirmed who is behind them.

“We don’t know if it has any connection to the suspect who was released,”

the police spokesperson added.

Suspect Re-Arrested

The same 35-year-old man was arrested again after Friday’s fires. Police said he might also be linked to another Tesla fire from earlier in the week.

“He was arrested and questioned, but then he was released by the prosecutor last night. Sometime a couple of hours later, the next car started burning. Then the same person was found in the vicinity again, so now he is captured, and he is under arrest,”

municipal police officer Ola Skogsberg told GP.

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